
"’Is this genuine Pyrex?’ asks the woman.” and “How much does it cost you to get a new customer.”

Pyrex advertisements from Corning Glass Works/Hardware Age

(Left) "’Is this genuine Pyrex?’ asks the woman.” Pyrex advertisement from Corning Glass Works, published in Hardware Age, May 18, 1922 CMGL 140404


(Right) “How much does it cost you to get a new customer.” Pyrex advertisement from Corning Glass Works, published in Hardware Age, July 27, 1922. CMGL 140405


Page 6 from “1956 Pyrex dealer catalog : Flameware, Ovenware, bakingware, dinnerware, nursing units, measures, tumblers”

Page 6 from “1956 Pyrex dealer catalog : Flameware, Ovenware, bakingware, dinnerware, nursing units, measures, tumblers”

Page 6 from “1956 Pyrex dealer catalog : Flameware, Ovenware, bakingware, dinnerware, nursing units, measures, tumblers” published by Corning Glass Works, 1956. CMGL 57340

See full catalog here: http://rakow.cmog.org/vwebv/holdingsInfo?bibId=57340

"Corning" 1987 trade catalog published by Corning Glass Works, Consumer Service Department, Waynesboro, VA

"Corning" 1987 trade catalog published by Corning Glass Works, Consumer Service Department, Waynesboro, VA

Corning. Trade catalog published by Corning Glass Works, Consumer Service Department, Waynesboro, VA, probably 1987. CMGL 77157

While not the prettiest catalog to look at, it does provide good information for researchers and collectors about item numbers and historical pricing.

See full catalog here: http://rakow.cmog.org/vwebv/holdingsInfo?bibId=77157

“Seven smart, new gifts... complete your Christmas list with these beautiful new Pyrex casseroles and beverage servers!”

“Seven smart, new gifts... complete your Christmas list with these beautiful new Pyrex casseroles and beverage servers!”

“Seven smart, new gifts... complete your Christmas list with these beautiful new Pyrex casseroles and beverage servers!” Advertisement from Corning Glass Works, published in Ladies' Home Journal, December 1957. CMGL 98280


“Gift-rapt Christmas morning! She'll love her new, colourful Agee Pyrex now in gay new colours.”

“Gift-rapt Christmas morning! She'll love her new, colourful Agee Pyrex now in gay new colours.”

“Gift-rapt Christmas morning! She'll love her new, colourful Agee Pyrex now in gay new colours.” Advertisement from Crown Crystal Glass Company Limited, Sydney, Australia, published in Woman's Day [Australian edition], December 19, 1960. CMGL 138922


Every-day foods in a glamorous guise: simple foods become delectable... baked and served in the Pyrex bell-top dish

 “Every-day foods in a glamorous guise: simple foods become delectable... baked and served in the Pyrex bell-top dish.” Published in Ladies’ Home Journal, September 1930, pp. 91. CMGL 140750


Page 13 featuring Pyrex from Catalogue of premiums obtainable with McCormick & Co's. profit sharing certificates for retailers

Page 13 featuring Pyrex from Catalogue of premiums obtainable with McCormick & Co's. profit sharing certificates for retailers

Page 13 featuring Pyrex from Catalogue of premiums obtainable with McCormick & Co's. profit sharing certificates for retailers from McCormick & Co., Inc. and The Premium Service Co., Inc., 1928. Gift of James Measell. CMGL 52605


“My wife sure makes food fight for freedom!” “Here’s how I save precious food with Pyrex ware”

“My wife sure makes food fight for freedom!” “Here’s how I save precious food with Pyrex ware”

“My wife sure makes food fight for freedom!” Variant Title: “Here’s how I save precious food with Pyrex ware” Advertisement from Corning Glass Works, published in unknown periodical, April 1944. CMGL 142553


White Pyrex adds distinction to the table : baking and serving ware of utility and exceptional beauty

White Pyrex adds distinction to the table

"White Pyrex adds distinction to the table: baking and serving ware of utility and exceptional beauty". Brochure published by Corning Glass Works, dated June 1, 1922. CMGL 57111

For full pdf of catalog see the library record here: http://rakow.cmog.org/vwebv/holdingsInfo?bibId=57111

Catalog page of Corning tableware, serving pieces, bowls and casseroles in Terra, Golden Honeysuckle, and Early American patterns

Catalog page of Corning tableware, serving pieces, bowls and casseroles in Terra, Golden Honeysuckle, and Early American patterns

Catalog page of Corning tableware, serving pieces, bowls and casseroles in Terra, Golden Honeysuckle, and Early American patterns. Published by Corning Glass Works, probably 1964. CMGL 144404


Get this exciting new Pyrex brand flameware teapot: with six advantages you’ll enjoy every day of your life!

Get this exciting new Pyrex brand flameware teapot: with six advantages you’ll enjoy every day of your life!

“Get this exciting new Pyrex brand flameware teapot: with six advantages you’ll enjoy every day of your life!” Advertisement from Corning Glass Works. Published in Life, November 3, 1941. CMGL 139760


Celebrating 25 years of service to American housewives... the maker of Pyrex ware offers this stunning new Pyrex brand table saver with your own initial

“Celebrating 25 years of service to American housewives... the maker of Pyrex ware offers this stunning new Pyrex brand table saver with your own initial” Advertisement from Corning Glass Works. Published in unknown periodical, most likely 1940. CMGL 140762


Now! Corning Christmas ornaments made by the makers of famous Pyrex ware!

Now! Corning Christmas ornaments made by the makers of famous Pyrex ware!

An extra Christmas gift for you: These ornaments are not Pyrex brand glass but the advertisement does tout them as being from “the makers of famous Pyrex ware!”

“Now! Corning Christmas ornaments made by the makers of famous Pyrex ware!” Advertisement from Corning Glass Works, published in unknown periodical, Dec. 1942. CMGL 41122


Cook in clear, clean glass: Amazing values for Christmas; see these gift sets in your favorite store today

Cook in clear, clean glass: Amazing values for Christmas; see these gift sets in your favorite store today

“Cook in clear, clean glass: Amazing values for Christmas; see these gift sets in your favorite store today.” Advertisement from Corning Glass Works, published in Good Housekeeping, December 1937. CMGL 140279
